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About Black Cruise Week
Finally, a cruise event just for you. There are hundreds of cruise events that take place each and every month which cater towards many different interest, hobbies and cultures.
In the past, many traditional cruise lines lacked events that catered toward the lifestyles and interest of the African American cruise traveler.
A few years ago, the idea of the first major nationwide cruise event for African Americans was born, launched and the final outcome became a huge resounding success.
As the success with one cruise grew, it produced a demand for black cruise organizers to provide themed cruises toward the many different niches within the black traveling community.
Cruises for African Americans had jumped from one event to dozens per year and is now growing at an astronomical rate. Some of those unique events include black singles cruises, black comedy cruises, black church cruises, black gay and lesbian cruises, black college cruises, blacks over 40 cruises, black leadership cruises, hip hop cruises, jazz/blues cruises and so many more are on the way.
Black Cruise Week was created in 2005 by a group of travelers who wanted to organize a website for African American cruise enthusiast. We wanted to have a one stop shop and calendar
so that people could plan their year around their own personal interest.
If you would like to join our group and get the weekly hotspots on the hottest cruises and more then make sure you join our newsletter.